News & Results

June 2022
Judge Alan Magid-OBM

Judge Alan Magid-OBM

It is with regret that we, International Club SA must advise you that Judge Alan Magid-OBM passed away at the age of 93.

He was the “elder statesman” of IC SA and could well claim to be oldest IC member in the world. Tributes have been pouring in to honour his life and his contribution to what was then Natal tennis, South African tennis and the IC movement.

Tennis SA President Gavin Crookes said “I am indebted to Alan for all his years of support whilst I was President of KwaZulu-Natal tennis and now as President of Tennis SA. He was always incredibly supportive and encouraging, his wise and sage counsel was always appropriate- there was no grey area, and heaven forbid if one got it wrong! He always made time to engage with me including at our favourite restaurant at different tables with different friends. I am incredible grateful for the kind and generous way he always treated me.

Alan’s passion for and knowledge of tennis had no boundaries. Tennis is richer for his generosity and contribution. The expression “true gentleman” is often insincere but in this case, it is a perfect description, and both a genuine and richly deserved compliment.”

Former President of Natal tennis, Malcom Hayward paid tribute by saying “Alan was a very special man who cared about people all his life and I rank him with late Prof. Philip Tobias as the joint best orators I have had the privilege of hearing. When he spoke, people listened, and I regret not having had the opportunity of hearing him deliver a High Court judgment. He was also a more than willing mentor in my early days in tennis administration and his opinion was always highly valued. The tribute from the Durban United Hebrew congregation says it all plus it includes his smile which would light up a room.”

In his tribute at Alan’s funeral, Rabbi P. Zekry of the Durban United Hebrew congregation said “What was remarkable about Alan is that despite his busy and demanding professional life is that he made time over his life time, to devote himself to communal service and even after his retirement from the bench, after 13 years as a High Court Judge, he had been a volunteer guide at the Durban Holocaust centre and a reader and editor of Tape Aids for the Blind. His involvement with the Shul goes back to the youth services at Park Street Shul. He was an active and erect man, still with a sharp mind. Alan set an excellent example of a loving family man he was a much admired  and respected member of this community and he had an illustrious career spanning many decades.”

We as IC SA, send our sincere condolences to his family and friends on his passing and to repeat what has been echoed many times, tennis and the country will be poorer for his passing.