News & Results

September 2021
Johannesburg members meet for lunch

Johannesburg members meet for lunch

With covid dominating our lives over the past 18 months, it has been difficult to meet up with members and enjoy some camaraderie of days of olde.

So, in view of the fact that we had been moved down to level 2, and gatherings could be held in greater numbers, 23 of us met for a well earned time together over lunch at Bryanston Sports Club. The caterers did us proud with the food at last we could have a social occasion where we could reignite some old stories.

Luckily our timing was fortuitous as following her annual ladies doubles event in Sun City, our President Lorna Krog, could attend along with past chairperson Leonie Grondel who was up from Port Elizabeth.

The lunch was also an opportunity for chairman Mike Dunk to bring those present up to date with what has happened especially with regards to our development programmes and plans for the foreseeable future.

We also had the opportunity to bid farewell to Reiko Murase who has decided to leave South Africa and join her daughter in Tokyo. Reiko has been a solid and committed member of IC SA for many years. She has represented South Africa at World Veterans tournaments around the world on many occasions with distinction and Mike Dunk bade her farewell in a fitting style and presented her with a gift in recognition of her commitment to the IC and would remind her of Africa in the future.

This lunch followed a small breakfast that we held in Cape Town in March and a dinner in Durban earlier in the year in an attempt to keep members informed of happenings within the club. It is hoped that with restrictions slowly lifting we can hold social days in both Johannesburg and Cape Town towards the end of the year and we are also looking to have a function in Pretoria at some stage.